Where money meets feelings
Let me help you bring in money
We don't have to tell you that the 20s started radically.
Everyone talks about change, nobody knows what that actually looks like. You can't go back to the old when the old is no longer there. Adjusting is easier said than done.
How can I innovate in a way that is in line with this time? Should I grow, or do something else? Where is my development as an entrepreneur and leader? How do I keep a healthy balance between business and private life?
Many entrepreneurs are walking around with crucial questions, while there is hardly time and rest to find the answers.
We are therefore going on a journey with a small group of enterprising people to make healthy business choices for the future with head, heart and soul. So on a journey to come home.
Are you interested? Request an introductory meeting via the button below!
In the beautiful surroundings ofCornwall in southern Englandthere are many special and magical places to be found. The landscape shows us the way here.
The trip is organized by Tjeerd Gorter (geographer and intuition supervisor), Hanneke van Onna (coach in financial independence and independence) and Jerry van den Broeke (creative renewal coach). Together with the participants, they look behind the stories of the country to use for ourselves.
Every day we discuss a question that concerns the travel companions. And we go out into the area to let the questions and possibilities find their own way together. There is also the possibility to get a reading if the situation calls for it and there is room for it.
When you return, the question is still in England and you have taken the answer home with you. You are mentally enriched and fit for the next step in your work and life as an entrepreneurial professional.
Deze presentatie is uitsluitend bedoeld voor informatieve en educatieve doeleinden. De verstrekte informatie vormt geen financieel, juridisch of beleggingsadvies en mag niet worden beschouwd als een aanbeveling om specifieke investeringen of strategieën te kopen, verkopen of te houden.
Hoewel we ernaar streven nauwkeurige en actuele informatie te verstrekken, kunnen wij de volledigheid of nauwkeurigheid van de inhoud niet garanderen. Beleggingsbeslissingen moeten altijd worden genomen op basis van uw eigen onderzoek en in overleg met een gekwalificeerde financieel adviseur.
Let op: beleggen brengt risico's met zich mee, waaronder het risico op verlies van het geïnvesteerde kapitaal. Resultaten uit het verleden bieden geen garantie voor toekomstige resultaten. Beslissingen die u neemt op basis van de informatie in deze presentatie zijn volledig voor uw eigen rekening en risico.
Voor specifieke vragen of advies raden we aan om contact op te nemen met een professionele financieel adviseur die uw persoonlijke situatie en doelen kan beoordelen.
Bedankt voor uw begrip.